TRE House Delta 10 Edible D10:D9:HHC Blue Raspberry Gummies
- Brand: TRE House
- Единица измерения: комплект
- Type: HHC Gummies
- Масса нетто: 70 (г)
Стоимость комбинированной доставки будет рассчитана системой автоматически после выбора пункта назначения на этапе оформления заказа.
TRE House Delta 10 Edible D10:D9:HHC Blue Raspberry Gummies are infused with a combination of blueberries and raspberries. Each gummy is crafted with 10mg of D10, 5mg of D9, and 5mg of HHC, and completes each other for a relaxing and euphoric sensation, and an energy-boosting head buzz. They are going through tests in a third-party laboratory for quality assurance, each bottle has 20 gummies and you can start with a single gummy due to its high potency, giving you a mind and body balancing effort.
• 10mg Delta-10 per serving
- 20 жевательных резинок на бутылку
• 5mg HHC per serving
• 5mg Delta-9 per serving
• Can get you super lifted
• Vegan & gluten-free
• 1 gummy per serving
• Vegan & gluten-free
- Соответствие фермерскому законопроекту
• Mouthwatering combination of sweet Blueberries and tangy Raspberries
Flavor: Blueberries, tangy Raspberries
Size: 20 Gummies
Serving Size: 1 gummy
1 x TRE House Delta 10 Edible D10:D9:HHC Blue Raspberry Gummies
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