BUDTANK EPIQ Pod | Wholesale

De $1.40

Epiq is packed with food-grade materials, a premium rechargeable battery, a smart UI and air sensor activation. What makes Epiq so powerful is that all of this fits comfortably into a delicate and sleek design. Epiq is designed to be as powerful as it is beautiful and always within reach of your customer.

Pièces Remise (%) Prix (remise de gros)
100 - 999 $2.00
1 000 - 9 999 10 % $1.80
10 000 - 49 999 20 % $1.60
50 000+ 30 % $1.40
Livraison gratuite pour toute commande supérieure à 250 USD.
Heures de travail : du lundi au vendredi de 10 h 00 à 18 h 00, heure de Hong Kong
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